An Eulogy to Every Emotion.

Monday, July 27, 2009


thou so flawless,

whose iridescent colours merge,

like how river meets ocean,

so beautiful that no being

born or never will be

such your beauty lies unmatched

may this remain platonic,


unique how that word

describing thou with such simplicity

so serene that merely

thought of still water,

should seem most disturbing,

what lies within,so hard to read

that puzzles of life seems like childs play

my thoughts cringe

seeping into yours

thou so sedate

my insides yearn

beg for u to thaw

such your startling form

the heavens should cringe

to see you pass

such a light

ample yet rare

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


just a couple of days back m cousin introduced me to this metal band called 'opeth'. they arent extremely popular so reader,if you havnt heard of them,don't be surprised.
extraordinarily talented singer and have a sensational drummer[the first drummer quit the band cuz he kept havin panic attacks during concerts].a tragic thing.
their music has its own style, unlike the recent wannabe punk rock bands whose styles seem to blend frustratingly with the other old well known rock bands.
Even though opeth's music maybe slightly depressing, its like you wanna keep listening to them.
their album "ghost reveries" have topped my music list with songs like atonement,house of wreath,windowpane etc.
I so wanted to tell people about opeth and where other that here.please do take a listen!
Sometimes its so damn frustrating when you have to wait for something.Excruciatingly painful when that 'something' is 'someone'. Its like your damned to suffer, with time weighing on you with memories screaming to be forgotten.Memories-floodgates that open up the painful feelings of depression.
It seems like ive become masochistic.ready to suffer the pain that awaits me. but the thought of that 'something', or rather 'someone' is so inviting that this pain seems so insignificant. praying that this risk maybe worthwhile.


My photo nihilist.straight.