An Eulogy to Every Emotion.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

You Should Know.....

I know that we're all not destined for fame, irrespective of how much talent we have to offer and thats somethin that cant be helped. But what we can help is to go on nuturing that talent and surrounding ourselves with the joy that it brings us doing what we love and reaching out to whomever we can. Cuz at the end of the day, music is music no matter who makes it. It will always and forever speak for itself.
"You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you."
Brian Tracy

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Open Your Eyes

People are gonna talk. They always do and they always will..
People are gonna throw u in the middle of a trafficated street and watch you be run over time and time again till you scream as they watch the blood spatter... and they'll STILL have sumthin to say boutit.. and funnily enough, at the end of all of their conversation, you'll still end up being not good enough...
So I ask.. Who the heck are they to set the standards here? Who are they to talk ?
Do they KNOW fuck boutcha? No.
Do they GIVE a fuck boutcha? No.
and the greatest misconception.. the greatest greatest misconception of all - they THINK they're right.
Now that becomes destructive. You know you've lost your authenticity when you make your life a mirror image of someone elses... some cracked deformed mirror that no longer reflects the light but only gives you distort images of reality... of what IS.
I get it, people have opinions. But i certainly don't believe they have the RIGHT to their bloody opinion when they havent accomplished half as much as you have in their lives. and yet, they talk. They talk like theyr words would make a difference.
They talk like theyr opinions will be heard.
They talk like they know it all.
So do what you do. Be what you hafta be
At the end of the day, your still gonna be a porcelain doll on a pedestal waiting to be judged. Uve got nothing to lose anyway. So givem a hard time of it.
How long are they gonna shield their insecurity with their bullshit.
How long are they gonna see the world through the mirror?


My photo nihilist.straight.