An Eulogy to Every Emotion.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Yes,yes.. its been quite a while.. couln't really conjure anything that was worth putting up..not that anything ever is. Guess its all in the head....

Anyway,what im about to write about happened bout two months ago.. Id gotten to know this girl that i really liked. I mean, she was different and unlike the MCCs(Mount Carmel Clones), she had soul.

Im swell with tragedies. If theyr not happening to me, theyr most certainely happening around me.....But if theres one thing that can really shake you up is heaing yer friend crying on the phone telling you that shes gotta leave town the next day cuz she just gotta noe that her father passed away. I'd met her only that morning. Funny how things can take a turn fer the very worst.
Right then, probably a "I'm sorry" wud be the best and most appropriate thing u can come up with. Thing is, it sounded so shallow..i felt helpless.. i wanted to tell her that it was all gonna be alryt but was it..? I could only scathe the surface of how devasted she must have been feeling bout then but, what could you possibily say or do? I may not exactly be the best counsellor around but right bout then, i felt completely incapacitated. Shed hafta leave. She just left.
I don't mean to be selfish in all the drama, but i hated how we left things. Its been more than a month since i saw her. She doesn't know if shes ever coming back. She can't leave her mom alone. Shes scaredve leaving cuz shes afraid something terrible myt happen once she left.

Bare insecurity.

There wasnt even a proper goodbye.

Funny how people can walk into you life and walk out like they were never part of it. They forget that they take a part of you with them. Sadly, all you can do is stand defenseless and watch them leave. And its not easy to let go- not for me and certainely not for her. But at some point, its probably the only thing you can do.

Question is, do you really want to??


My photo nihilist.straight.